During the regular golf season, there are times available each Saturday and Sunday for permanent tee time groups starting at 5:51 a.m. until 8:45 a.m. Regularly scheduled Permanent Starting Times begin on April 18/19 and end October 3/4.
Permanent tee time applications for the 2020 season and a $75/85 R/NR per person starting time application fee must be submitted to the golf course PRIOR to the 7pm December 11, 2019 lottery for the 2020 season. (Pre-payments are required for renewing permanent tee time applicants only prior to December 11)
There will be a first lottery draw for all existing 2019 permanent tee-time groups at approximately 7:10pm on December 11, followed by a second draw on December 16 at 7pm for any new groups wishing to procure a permanent tee-time spot on either Saturday or Sunday. Following the first lottery all available times are posted on the Deerfield Golf Club website. (2020 New Permanent Tee Time Groups Application Fee required prior to December 16 drawing.