Community Update on Park District Services – June 5
Deerfield Park District COVID-19
Community Update on Park District Operations
June 5, 2020
As we are now into Phase 3 of the Restore Illinois Plan, we have more opportunities to provide recreational activities. Below is an update on services available now or soon to be available.
Tennis: Doubles are now permitted on park district and high school courts. Reservations through the park district web site are still required. Throughout this month, more nets will be installed, and the court availability will increase to maximum capacity at park district courts. Additional reservation times will also be added throughout the month.
Golf: The Deerfield Golf Course, in accordance with guidelines, has expanded its services in persons permitted to golf together, cart rental availability, driving range opportunities, retail sales and outdoor dining.
Sachs Recreation Center: One on one personal training and indoor tennis availability begin on June 8. Outdoor fitness classes will begin the week of June 15.
Youth Sports: Deerfield Youth Baseball and Softball and Pegasus Youth Soccer have been cleared to begin practicing within the confines of state regulations.
Jewett Park Community Center: Appointments will be available beginning on June 8 to meet with registration staff.
Patty Turner Center: The Patty Turner Center will reopen on a limited basis beginning August 17. Small groups will be permitted to participate in appropriately distanced programs.
Summer Camps: Summer Camps will begin on July 6 in small groups. There are still some slots available for a number of our camps.
Basketball Courts: Courts will reopen mid-June for use.
Dog Park: We look to reopen the dog park in later June as we move into Phase 4 of Restore Illinois.
Public Restrooms: We look to reopen public restrooms in parks in late June as well.
Picnic Shelters: We will begin taking reservations for groups of 50 or fewer people once we receive guidance for Phase 4 operations. We anticipate shelters will be available for rental in July.
Aquatics: We have been continually waiting for state guidelines to provide clarity on if and how we can open our pools this summer. To date, no guidelines have been distributed. As we have now hit the period in time in which we need to decide our path in providing a pool season, we continue to wait a short time longer with aspirations of now opening only one pool. The time is now past the possibility of preparing two pools to open this year. Our focus will now be to provide one pool available to the public this year. We will post updates on the status of our pool operations when we receive further guidance from the state on how and if pools can open in Phase 4.
Please check our website for additional updates on all of our programs and services. We are pleased to be able to begin providing additional recreational activities in a safe manner.
Thank you all for your patience as we move closer every day to where we were before the Covid-19 pandemic.